About OSIA
Ohio Seed Improvement Association (OSIA) evolved from the Ohio Corn Improvement Association which was organized in 1908. OSIA is designated by the Ohio Legislature as the Official Seed Certifying Agency for the state of Ohio. Our purpose is to maintain and make available high quality seed of genetically pure varieties.
We provide an unbiased, third party, quality control service to the seed industry in Ohio. This service assists seed companies by providing a tracking mechanism and minimum quality standards for seed from the field to the bag.
We were featured on “Our Ohio” on PBS

OSIA also provides inspection services for non‑certified seed crops produced by our members. Core programs are networked through the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) to maximize uniformity and global acceptance. Seed crops inspected in Ohio include: corn, soybeans, wheat, barley, oats, spelt, triticale, conservation grasses and legumes. Each year we field inspect over 100,000 acres for Ohio seed companies.
Our association is governed by twelve Board of Directors consisting of eight producer members, three Ohio State University representatives, and one representative from the Ohio Department of Agriculture. The staff consists of full‑time employees and over thirty part‑time field inspectors. We are an educational nonprofit organization which is supported by fees and levies paid by the membership.
OSIA is a member of the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies